ProDrone - a system for precision agriculture

Dynamic tracking of the crop / field condition

Бона Комерс ЕООД

Advantages of the system

Complete solution for large-scale plant diagnostics and automated guidance of agricultural machinery. Geodetic precision provided, if required.
Maps with the recommended applications are provided directly ready for transfer to the agricultural machinery (tractors, sprayers, fertilizer applicators, harvesters).

● Dynamic tracking of crop / vegetation condition      
  ○ Water regime – zones of excess water or drought 
  ○ Nutritional regime – zones of insufficient or excess nutrient supply 
  ○ Tracking the emergence and growth of weeds 
  ○ Disease monitoring  
  ○ Monitoring the emergence / spread of insects, mice, moles, etc.

● Determination of actual plant density (number of plants/m^2 or hectare) in grain crops – wheat, barley, etc.

 Possibility to evaluate the biomass accumulated during the vegetation / year (for wood species in particular)

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By using professional hexacopter precise mapping of agricultural land can be provided (single or in regular periods), followed by 3D modeling of terrains and providing  treatment maps for the fields.
The map of advisable applications / rates is provided ready for use by the machinery (sprayers, fertilizer spreaders, etc.).

ProDrone for the agribusines

The proposed solution foresees the use of 1 drone for every 1 500 ha for which planning of flights/observations are provided for the fields of the respective farm.
The proposed ProDrone based solution includes providing for training of operator(s) and technical support for the drones, as well as analysis of the data accumulated during observations. Propositions for executing adequate agricultural / amelioration practices can be provided, that are developed in close cooperation with the farm manager.

The ProDrone system is distinguished from the competition by its higher flexibility and its unique capacity for unlimited number of observations of crops / properties of the farm without substantial increase in costs. This is possible due to the specifically developed for the agricultural needs drones that are supported by highly professional team of computer and photography specialists, aided by specialists in the area of agronomy, breeding, plant nutrition and plant protection.

All of the above provides for timely response and undertaking adequate business decisions in farm management. 

Land consolidation

Exact determination of borders and sizes of customer fields – geodetic precision is provided (down to 1 cm)

Irrigation and erosion

3D modeling of arable land with the possibility to propose most adequate irrigation flows. Near real-time tracking and timely action execution for limiting the erosion processes.

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Green payments

Identification and exact size determination of landscape peculiarities (for the purposes of "green payments") – single and/or groups of trees, irrigation channels, etc.

Machinery guidance

Exact determination (GPS coordinates) of problematic field zones with the possibility to transfer them to tractors, self-propelled sprayers and harvesters to make precision agriculture reality at the farm.

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